Connect with ARMS

This form is not for emergencies. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

For all other inquiries, please complete form below or see bottom of page for phone numbers and emails.

Please note, we cannot give out group locations via email.


  • Phone Number
    If it is not safe for you to RSVP online for an event, call the office instead at 503-846-9284.

International Office:


PO Box 663

Hillsboro, OR 97123

Phone: 503-846-9284

Fax: 503-846-1182

General Email

National Facebook Page

Spokane (Serving NE Washington and N. Idaho):

Phone: 509-484-0600

Email for Spokane area

Mexico and Kenya:

Kenya Email

Kenya Facebook Page

Phone: +52 984-876-6659

Mexico Email

Mexico Facebook Page

Locations and times of specific groups vary. Please call the national office for more information on specific groups.

Donations to provide leadership training in other locations are always welcome. Please call the national office at 503-846-9284 or 866-262-9284 for more information.