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    Learn the myths about strangulation, the science behind it, the stages victims go through, the symptoms of strangulation and how we can help. Online, flex hours, 3-5 hours of time over a two week period. For your professional knowledge or ARMS Leader Recertification. This topic should be taught in medical fields, especially ER or urgent care, in police training, for all counselors, pastoral, marriage, and general counseling. I knew if you were strangled long enough you'd die. I didn't realize how quickly and how much damage to the brain it costs. I look forward to learning more and being wiser and aware of the possibilty in my classes. Good to know that I will know what to say and how to help any woman in my classes. -Claudia This course had a lot of information and knowledge. So glad that strangulation is now being identified as one of the most lethal forms of domestic violence. To be able to understand the difference between choking and strangulation. Strangulation is an ultimate form of power and control over a victim's next breath. It can have a devastating psychological effect or a potentially fatal outcome. This is a course to put in our toolbox and be able to identify and understand. Thank you. -Sonja T This was incredibly informative. I wasn't sure how an entire course could be written on this one criminal subject, but you have done it - and it was interesting and educational...Thank you for bringing up strangulation during intimacy - I have heard of it but wouldn't have known what to say before reading this information. I also appreciated the section regarding a victim's retelling of the incident - that they may have memory loss, appear confused, etc. Friends have also reported their own memory loss to me, and had been shamed for it. I can now offer them reassurance that this is normal. Thank you for handling such a violent and criminal subject so thoroughly. We will all benefit from this training. -Ruthanne
  • Part 2 occurs on an online platform and lasts 5 weeks. This portion is flexible time, as long as you complete your work within the week it is due. ABOUT THE DVAT ONLINE TRAINING MODULES 5 Weeks-Online Modules Required Reading: “Why Does He Do That?” by Lundy Bancroft Module 1: The Effects of Abuse on Women and Children Study how many isolated issues are not recognized as effects of the trauma of the abuse women and children are facing. You will understand how domestic violence impacts mental health for both children and adults, even when they are only witnesses of abuse or controlling behavior. Module 2: Understanding the Mentality of an Abuser Discover the top warning signs of an abuser and learn what to ask your group members to help determine if change in their abuser is possible. You will review the tactics that abusers commonly used and discover how power and control can be misused. Module 3: Risk Assessments & Safety Planning Learn about a Danger Assessment and when it is appropriate. Learn how to ask questions in a group setting to determine risk to a group member. Understand how ARMS uses safety planning and what is recommended for a safe exit from an abusive situation. Module 4: Trauma’s Impact on the Brain Understand how our brains physically change with abuse and trauma and how to work with group members who are struggling. Learn some common “triggered responses” and the best way to deal with each one. Study The Drama Triangle and learn what role you most naturally move into as well as how to change your natural inclinations to healthy and helpful responses within your group. Module 5: Group Dynamics and Leadership Boundaries Video segments of do’s and don’ts within a group will be shown to help you best understand how to work with this those who have experienced abuse. Study how to be the most helpful versus using enabling or rescuing techniques. We also cover ARMS-approved guidelines for running groups, provide a final quiz and request a course survey from participants.
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