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    ABOUT THE CLASS: Compassion Fatigue and Burnout are two separate issues, but one does lead to another when not taken care of. In this course, you will learn how  to tell the difference, what your signs of both of these issues may be and how to heal from it. We also review Group Leader Boundaries and the reasons that we may feel the need to give too much.

    Online, flex hours, 3-5 hours of time over a two week period. For your professional knowledge or for ARMS Leader Recertification.

    I naively thought I didn't really need this course because I wasn't "there".  It opened my eyes a bit and helped me take a good look at myself and how I was doing, my temperature, if you will.  As I read about the symptoms for Compassion Fatigue and burnout, I was identifying with some of them. I discovered I had a few in the yellow zone and it is important to address them now.-Joann

    The lesson conveyed its information in a concise and understandable manner. It served as a valuable reminder to prioritize self-care and emphasized the significance of identifying the signs of compassion fatigue before it progresses to burnout. I particularly appreciate the inclusion of the Daily Practice Wheel, which I have printed and will incorporate into my planner. Thank you for providing clear and unambiguous material that left no room for confusion. -Bridgit

    Within the day job, the mode of “do better be better” is so hard. I can separate the job from the ministry due to the curriculum in Her Journey Training. I leave my emotions and issue outside the door when leading a class. This also is really helpful because it allows me to work on myself so I can continue to help others. -Bernetta

    I have learned much in this lesson about self-care. I am planning on instituting some of these ideas into my daily life. -Cheryl L.

    Learning the difference between compassion fatigue and burnout was a good foundation. As you learn more about a topic, you are able to notice the warning signs and to work on the steps it takes to bring rest. -Lori

    I particularly gained insight from the zeroing in on specifics relating to how the differences between compassion fatigue and burnout might manifest in certain behaviors and thought patterns. It can be so easy to just push through fatigue out of a perceived "strong" mindset and not even see destructive patterns emerge.  -S.L.

  • 10 white Her Journey 4x6" sticker labels for purple participant folders. If you wish to print your own, see Participant Folder File to download the file and to read instructions.
  • Ten personality profiles (tests plus personality descriptions) for use in lesson #5, "Perfect People" or "Puurrrfect People". :-)
  • Five new participant folders with all the contents.
  • 20 Purple New Participant Folders plus all material packed and ready to go within the folder. 20 personality tests for use in HJ lesson #5, "Perfect People".


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