Domestic Violence Speaking and Training
Although we currently do not require fees for our speaking services (except for travel expenses), we encourage tax-deductible donations to ARMS. This assists in continuing services to people affected by domestic violence in our communities. We suggest the amount of $100 per hour and you may donate here or supply a check when we visit you. Thank you for your support!
About ARMS Speakers

Stacey Womack
Executive Director Stacey Womack is an expert in the field of domestic violence and speaks on a large range of topics including Domestic Violence 101, The Warning Signs of Abuse, Working with Victims and Perpetrators, Secondary Aggression, Barriers for Women of Faith, and Understanding God’s Heart around this domestic abuse. She has spoken on TBN and KATU/AM Northwest and several KPDQ radio shows. She teaches at multiple conferences during the year including ones for Citygate Network and Heartbeat International. She provided presentations for Gonzaga University, George Fox University, Western Seminary, Portland State University, Multnomah University and multiple larger organizations and churches.
See Stacey’s guest appearance on TBN (go 14:25 into the recording)

Julie Bonn Blank
Julie is an Author, Professional Speaker, Certified Domestic Violence Advocate, Abuse Recovery Group Leader, founder of the VOICES Survivor Committee in Washington County, Oregon and the Director of Women’s Ministries & Education for ARMS/Abuse Recovery Ministry Services. She teaches on a variety of topics including DV 101, How the Church Responds to Abuse, What You Must Know When Dealing with a Survivor, How to Help You and Your Clients Set Healthy Boundaries, Human Trafficking, Her Own Personal DV Survivor Story and more. In her spare time, she loves to play on the beach, read and garden.
Listen to Julie speak here on the Early Benchmarks of Potential Domestic AbuseÂ
Watch an interview with Julie on how Human Trafficking and Domestic Abuse are Related
Jerry Womack
Director of Development, Jerry Womack, enjoys people and being a resource for others. As a ManKind facilitator since 2001, he retains over 7000 hours of facilitation experience on top of State requirements. Jerry speaks on the following topics: Types of Abuse, The Cycle of Violence, Understanding Male Privilege, How Domestic Violence and Socialization of Men Intersect, Working with Perpetrators, and the Costs and Payoff of Using or Not Using Abuse. He speaks at many venues including the Department of Human Services, Stomp Out Abuse, ARMS Banquets, Kiwanis, Rotary and several churches.