It took every ounce of resilience to not to run from the building. “I am fine. I don’t need to go through this stuff again.” Right when I was ready to walk out, the leader walked in.

I stayed.

Healing From Abuse

Even though it had been years since the abuse had occurred I hadn’t realized all the effects it had on me until I attended Her Journey. I saw that I still had healing that needed to happen. The abuse changed me. Through ARMS I recognized that I have great value in God’s eyes.

One of the many things I appreciate about this program is how it shows the difference between normal marriage conflict and actual abuse. The Her Journey program speaks to all levels of abuse, all types. Like emotional abuse, psychological abuse, spiritual abuse and other types. Even financial abuse. It helps light the path to healing through Gods word.


I Am A Daughter of the King

In the last few years, I have changed quite a lot. I no longer see myself as a commodity. Only a daughter of the King. Because of this program I learned how to set Godly boundaries, and protect them. Not only to keep people at a distance, like I have done for years, but because it is good for me. I am worth protecting.

I wished that I would have had a program like this when I was fresh out of my relationship, to guide me. More importantly, it helped to me realize that I am not the only one who has been through abuse.

I am so grateful to God and ARMS for their tireless work in this field. Without Her Journey I would still just be going through the motions.

You can be a champion for victims of abuse, like Shannon. It costs $75 to put one women through this 15-week program for free. Your generous gift and/or monthly pledge provides healing and can be the difference between life and death! Donate here.