After years of abusive relationship after abusive relationship, life crashed in on me. I felt terrified and could not see a way out. Along came my next abuser. After riding in on a white horse…okay I got a phone call.

He was someone I had known for many years. Familiar and safe. He wanted to rescue me.

He Wanted to Rescue Me

This was a new experience. Me? “The damsel-in-distress?” No way! I was a force to be reckoned with. I had done it all on my own, raised three children as a single parent, and owned my home. I’d been trained in interviewing techniques, not to trust people. Even cautious of charming and manipulative personalities. As a Corrections Officer, I worked in a prison with abusers of every kind and skill level. Strong, educated, and experienced!

But now, I felt completely paralyzed.

corrections tower sunset abusive

My abuser slowly developed my trust. It seemed I could tell him anything. There was no judgment, just tenderness. He was romantic and strong. Made me feel safe, loved, and accepted. His compliments and affection spoke love to me.

He Texted Other Women

Several months into the relationship, I tried to have a conversation about his flirting and texting other women. He exploded, screaming at the top of his lungs and calling me names. I was terrified and humiliated. This was in public. He screamed at me that he was the best thing that ever happened to me. As he stormed down the street, I reeled in disbelief. He came back later and apologized and said it would never happen again. That behavior became my new normal.

an abusive relationship

The Abuse Increases

Eventually, things became more brutal. Verbally abusive and so graphic and vile. I felt as if I was nothing— worthless. I provoked all of his actions somehow. Then it became physical. He grabbed and twisted my arms as pain shot up them. I tried to get away but he chased me and threw me across the room. He held his fist to my face. “I should just smash you!” He yelled.

We started seeing his counselor together. He walked out. His counselor suggested I get out before it got worse.

My woman’s pastor told me about ARMS.

friends after abuse

Her Journey is Free

The Her Journey class was free. What a blessing. I would not have been able to go if it were not free.

I walked into class the first time so scared. But I met a lovely lady who led the class. She made me feel safe and explained how the class worked. I realized my healing was a process, not a quick fix. 

The other women attending were just like me. Their stories were similar. Their abuser’s words and actions were eerily familiar.

As I attended Her Journey, my mind was filled with hope. My heart began to accept the concept of self-love. I began a journey in the pursuit of truth. Each week, the lessons revealed the darkness and lies that I had believed. I learned to break the strongholds in my thinking. Learned that I could break the cycle of abuse. I didn’t just have knowledge now. From what I learned in this Christian abuse recovery program, I had spiritual freedom. Love, peace, and the truth of God filled my soul.

Her Journey Filled Me With Hope

Her Journey showed me how God wants me to be loved and how I should be treated. I am enough because God made me enough. It gave me the power to walk out and to get away from my abuser.

I am here today. Strong, brave and free!