Escape from Nowhere

The twisted trees of the dense jungle-like forest took on almost a monster-like appearance. The thorns in the underbrush cut her clothes and skin. She’d lost a shoe and now her foot bled where it wasn’t caked in mud. She’d only come because she’d been told it was a matter of life and death, but the protection she’d been promised had not appeared.

This Obliterist was at least thirteen feet tall. His dark leathery skin bore an almost orange sheen. Large claw-like hands and feet made it easy for him to thrash his way through the thick forest. Something like hair hung from the top of his large, oddly shaped head to his muscular shoulders. A scar ran down his face, right through one dead eye.

Stacey Womack

ARMS’ founder and executive director, Stacey Womack, has released her first book, “Escape from Nowhere“. The fictional, fantasy allegory tells the story of Timorous, a fearful woman whose life changes course upon a chance encounter with an unusual man. Stacey takes the reader on a whimsical yet terrifying journey through Obscurity, where Timorous must overcome her doubts and insecurities.

“Amidst trial and fear, Timorous has to make a decision as to whether she’s going to trust and keep going. It’s a story all of us can relate to, no matter your beliefs or walk of life,” Stacey explained.



Tested Faith

Stacey first began this writing project eight years ago, and in those eight years, she found her own faith tested.

“I told myself I was going to quit so many times. I felt completely out of my element and was thrown back into my insecurities in this writing-to-publishing journey. Just like Timorous going through my own obscurity. But God reminded me that this was a gifting He gave me to encourage others. I’ve grown so much from being obedient to God with my knees shaking. It’s my faith that has sustained me. On the days where I wanted to give up, I kept going and saying, ‘Okay, God, I’ll just write a few more pages and see where this goes.’ It’s exciting and scary at the same time, but it’s all in His hands.”

Her faithful obedience, along with her competitive nature to finish what she started, allowed her to decide she wasn’t going to quit just yet. Stacey pushed forward in finishing the novel with the help of people who believed in her, including a Portland Book Reviewer who previously worked with ARMS. Stacey shared, “Chris told me this book had changed her life and it needed to be put out there, so she was willing to help me work on multiple revisions.”

The Chronicles of Narnia

Those who have read drafts of the book compare it to the likes of “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis and “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard—both books Stacey loves and drew inspiration from— because of the creative telling of a Believer’s journey.

Escape from Nowhere book

“I loved hearing my husband laugh in the other room while he read the book. It brings me joy knowing others can connect with the story in their own way. For our women going through the ARMS program, it’ll be encouraging to be able to see themselves in Timorous and see God’s heart for them.”

Escape from Nowhere” is ultimately a story of victory to bring hope to the reader who may be going through a testing season in their life.

“I’ve had lots of fears to overcome. To those who are called to step out boldly in faith: even though you feel afraid, don’t let it stop you. Bravery is not the absence of fear; it’s the willingness to move past those giants in your life.”

More Information on Escape from Nowhere

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