by E.C.

Looking around the coffee shop, she realized how far she had come. She had built a new life where no one knew her name or what she had endured for the last fifteen years. Suddenly, in this bright, cheerful place, she felt a pang in her heart as she looked at her phone and realized the date. A wave of grief washed over her that dulled everything. Her coffee didn’t seem to taste as sweet, and her day didn’t look as promising. She whispered to no one in particular, “happy anniversary.”

Have you ever experienced waves of grief? The loss of a dream? Sudden hopelessness while standing in a place of promise?

This is very common, especially if you have ever experienced any type of abuse. One day you may feel strong and able to endure, then suddenly you are hit with a sadness that almost feels unbearable. You aren’t crazy, and you aren’t alone, my friend.

Being a Christian doesn’t protect us from these emotional experiences, but it does offer the comforting knowledge that the Lord is walking with us through the grief process.

The Lord Provides Comfort

Psalms 71:21
Thou shalt increase my greatness and comfort me on every side.

The Lord Provides Peace

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

The Lord Provides Strength

Psalms 73:26
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

The Lord Provides New Beginnings

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
When the tidal waves of grief crash upon the shore of your heart and life, I encourage you to reach out to the Lord. Invite Him into that moment. He will comfort you, bring you peace, strengthen you, and provide you a way through the grief towards a beautiful, new beginning.


If you are having tidal waves of grief, take heart. God has not left you. In fact, He holds you close and promises complete healing in the days ahead. Make that choice to completely trust Him and His timing. You will be rewarded with His peace.

Psalm 103:2-3
Let my whole being bless the Lord and never forget all his good deeds: how God forgives all your sins, heals all your sickness.

Isaiah 57:18-19
I have seen their ways, but I will heal them. I will guide them and reward them with comfort. And for those who mourn, I will create reason for praise: utter prosperity to those far and near, and I will heal them, says the Lord.