To a child, the Easter holiday is often a day of eating plenty of chocolates, hunting Easter eggs and being surrounded by friends and family. There’s probably a bunny thrown in somewhere, too. But to many others, Easter is the celebration of Jesus the risen King. It marks the day Jesus overcame death and victory over abuse and sin was won. Any born-again Christian can rejoice in the light of being loved and made new even while we were still imperfect sinners. The best part is that this celebration is available to us every day and not just on Easter.

Our celebration came at a high cost, however. One that Jesus paid for us. He suffered on the cross for our sake and underwent unbearable torture and pain leading up to his death. We see from the resurrection that justice always has the final word over abuse. Jesus shows us that we, too, can be faithful to God during our suffering.

Abuse is not welcome here

In the final hours of his life, Jesus faced the worst kinds of abuse. Betrayed by a friend he loved, flogged by the Romans and beaten with a stick. He was spit on and verbally mocked with shouts of contempt. Not to mention his crucifixion, which was the Roman’s ultimate form of brutality and oppression. Jesus was nailed onto a cross wearing a crown of sharp thorns that mocked his royalty. He faced it all and cried out to God, as we sometimes do, “Why have you forsaken me?”

On that darkest day when Jesus died, it appeared that abuse had won. His body was lifeless and wounded as he was carried to the tomb. The promises of God the Father felt empty, and those who followed Jesus in his ministry were confused and afraid. They grieved at the apparent injustice that took place. They had no direction and nowhere to turn. But God had a plan all along because He is faithful and a just God.

Jesus conquered death and rose again, proving that God’s justice will ultimately prevail over evil. Abuse is not welcome in God’s Kingdom, and it never has the final say. God’s love for you and me is greater, and it casts out abuse and sin to the shadows. God is a Redeemer, and just like Jesus was redeemed from abuse, so are you. You can walk in his light knowing you are freed from abuse, as well as your own sin, when you place your belief in Jesus.

Victory Over AbuseFaithful in Suffering

Jesus knows what it means to suffer. He suffers with us. When you feel alone, He is near. When it feels like the world is against you and can’t be trusted, know that God is for you. He is trustworthy.

The meaning and true depth of Easter can sometimes be lost in the holiday celebrations. Don’t forget the reality that BECAUSE God loves you, He sent his son to die a painful death. He did this because He wants a relationship with you. You are worthy of love, and it’s not just any kind of love. Nothing in this world can separate you from His love.

Jesus knew his death was approaching and yet still spoke, “Not my will but Yours be done.” He didn’t want to die. But he lived as a faithful servant to his Father and he wanted His Father’s will to be done. Jesus’ faithfulness is the example we are called to follow. We must be faithful to God and cling to His good promises over our lives. His will for your life is to walk freely in His love as He calls you to higher places. Free from abuse and the penalty of sin.

It is a place where you can breathe knowing that Jesus’ last breath was for you.

Victory Over Abuse

I am so thankful we are invited each day to walk confidently in the victories God claimed on the cross, knowing that His good works will be done again. The battles we are facing now are already won by the God who fights for us. We have confidence that abuse and injustice is not tolerated here. In the end, our souls can find rest knowing Jesus died so we can live.

What is God calling you to in the life you’ve been gifted? Which truths and words of love is He asking you to remember today?