The first day of a new year always brings a fresh sense of optimism for what’s to come, and after the year we’ve experienced, this couldn’t be truer. However, placing all our hope into turning the page of a calendar isn’t sustainable. The dawn of a new year doesn’t automatically fix all our problems and anxieties. As the long-awaited new year has arrived, we can look to the horizon feeling hopeful. We can intentionally release the sorrows of the past. But ultimately our hope is only fulfilled when we place it in Jesus our Savior and Prince of Peace.

In Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah speaks of a new Exodus where the Israelite people will come out of exile and return to Jerusalem. Jerusalem symbolizes God’s holy and righteous plan for the world in a message of encouragement for what is ahead.

Never Lose Hope Graffiti

Those Who Trust Have Hope

“Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Trusting in the Lord doesn’t come easily for me sometimes. In cases where my faith is put to the test, I gravitate towards the opposite direction of Him and this often leads me into deeper despair.

Five Ways to Hope

Here are five things that help me find hope after abuse and despair-

Choose a New Mindset– It is a renewed, daily effort to come back to Him and remember all that He has accomplished. When the road begins to veer off-course, I must decide to either let fear lead the way or to find confidence in Him. The latter is the more difficult choice at first but ultimately the only saving grace.

Surround Yourself with Good– When I am surrounded by others who love Him, they boldly lift me when I start to sink. This makes it easier for me to soar like an eagle and not grow weary.

Stay in the Word Daily– Finding a Bible reading routine that worked was an empowering way to stay grounded in God’s truth and loving-kindness. I rarely made time to read my Bible. Then I decided to try a daily plan that goes through the Bible in chronological order one chapter at a time. Now it feels less overwhelming and easier to digest.

Prioritizing My Overall Wellbeing– Health is dependent on how well we take care of ourselves holistically. Mental health directly correlates to physical health and vice versa. After abuse, we feel bruised and unable to take care of ourselves in this way. Regaining ourselves after abuse means commanding priority over our health. Understand that your being, as God’s temple, is to be nurtured.

Writing Down Visions and Dreams for My Life– I am dreaming again. If you need help with that, pray and ask the Lord where He is leading. This could be specific goals you want to accomplish or simple words like “joy” or “peace.” Write them down and put them somewhere you’ll see often. They will give you encouragement to keep taking steps forward.


Father God, I pray that in this new year You will bring direction as to where I need to go to be closer to You. Help me to release what may have been lost in this past year that is weighing me down. Guide me to make room for all that You have planned. Give me the courage to trust You and be filled with Your strength. Thank you for providing everything I need in this moment. Amen.