If there was one thing I absolutely detested as a child, it was visiting the dentist. These regular check-ups left traumatic imprints in my memory. Though it may seem silly now, I can vividly recall the memories of sitting in the dentist’s chair, writhing in pain with tears running down my face. My dentist threatened, “If you don’t stop crying I’ll take out another tooth.” I don’t know whether children’s dentists normally say these things to get their patients to behave or if mine was just a really mean guy. One thing I know for sure is that even these moments of distress, pain and intense fear would eventually come to pass. I survived yet another dentist visit with just a bit more confidence to get me through the next.

I imagine when David was hiding in the cave from King Saul (who wanted him killed), he might’ve felt similar to how I felt sitting in that dentist’s chair, although one instance is quite literally life or death and the other just felt like it was life or death. Yet, as I read the Psalms, I am reminded how weak my faith is compared to David, who writes:


Psalm 57

“Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me,

for in you I take refuge.

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings

until the disaster has passed…

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;

let your glory be over all the earth.”

Even in a cave, unknowing of what lie ahead for him, David chose to rejoice at the faithfulness and glory of his true King. Sometimes we think we need to first leave our “cave” (in my case, the dentist chair) to be able to sing joyfully for all that He is doing for us. But what scripture shows us here through David’s example is that we can praise Him no matter our circumstances.

How quickly my confidence fades whenever I am faced with trials, and how desperately I need reassurance to keep me grounded. And how I can thank God that He will always be there to quiet my soul and provide refuge!


Lord, let Your name be exalted and Your glory shine through even in my darkest moments. When I am afraid or doubtful, I can rest knowing I am safe in Your hands. When difficulties arise may I be clothed in Your strong armor which assure me that You’ve already won this battle. God, You are good and worthy of all praise. Amen.

by Alicia