Earlier this month, investigative reports revealed world-famous Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias, who is now deceased, was a perpetrator of sexual abuse during his lifelong work in ministry. His misconduct affected hundreds of women across the globe and went undetected for decades.

The women who were victimized by him took a brave step forward despite pressures from Zacharias to stay silent, and their allegations against him were validated following the investigation. The staff of Zacharias’ ministry have since acknowledged the devastation Zacharias has caused to many and issued a public apology, stating, “We are devastated by what the investigation has shown and are filled with sorrow for the women who were hurt by this terrible abuse.”

This news is heavy among believers and those who looked up to Zacharias. However, it is just another example of how abuse in the church undoubtedly exists and begs the question of how we can work to be accountable to each other and before God.

Accountability matters

One may ask how Zacharias’s actions could go undiscovered for years, but sin lives in hiding. Some people are better at hiding than others. However, we all have the natural inclination to hide from our guilt and shame just like Adam and Eve did in the garden. The truth is, we can’t follow Jesus on our own. It is crucial to have a community around us with trusted brothers and sisters who will speak to us in truth.

Accountability is submitting to the counsel of another Christian with an attitude of humility, grace, and forgiveness. Galatians 6:2 calls us to “carry one another’s burdens” because in doing so we will grow in our faith. It is a good point to find people in your church who you respect and who will love you in a way that brings out the best version of you: the version that looks like Christ.

Ravi hands accountability

The truth will set you free

The beautiful thing about God’s grace is that we can bring everything to Him without fear. It is actually the work of the enemy who keeps us from bringing things to light. God already sees everything in our heart and He wants us to be honest with Him, which then allows us to be honest with ourselves and with others. When we abide by Him, His truth sets us free (John 8:32).

Can you imagine what living freely is like? In Him, we are no longer slaves to fear. He calls us to speak the truth and escape from the bondages that keep us from living in His freedom. This is especially true if you are experiencing abuse.

Steps for accountability RaviFour Steps in Accountability

  1. Bring everything to God-even the deep, dark sins. The first step is to bring everything to God and understand that He wants to work in your heart and correct wrong behavior. When our hearts are transfixed on Him, we can accomplish what we set our minds on by His Spirit working in us.
  2. Find community. Whether it’s through your church, a handful of trustworthy friends, or a support group, find the people you can to open up to about what you are struggling with in your walk toward holiness. When someone wants to join this community you have found, be welcoming and nonjudgemental.
  3. Be honest. We can learn to be honest with others by being honest with ourselves first. What are you choosing to hide or avoid? How can you be fully present to yourself and acknowledge the things that you need to release?
  4. Note your progress. When we set intentions, it’s also important to track our progress so we can look back and see how far we’ve come. Journaling is a great tool for this. Invite Him into your reflection time and let Him show you what He’s proud of.


Bring abuse to the light

If you think you are being abused, it is important that you confide with someone. This may feel like the scariest thing and you may believe lies that are telling you to do otherwise. Taking this brave step can only be done in your time. God invites us into this vulnerability because His freedom is on the other side whenever you are ready to receive it. His love for you is calling you out of the abuse you are facing.

Help for our sins

Here are some resources to help you find the community that you might need.

AA, Alcoholics Anonymous

NA, Narcotics Anonymous

Celebrate Recovery

Abuse Recovery

Porn Addiction Resources