(IMPORTANT: please note that clicking on the resources listed below may take you to a file or website that will appear in your Internet history, unless you clear your internet history afterwards and power off your computer. If you download a document, they usually download into the temporary files of your computer as a PDF unless you choose another location. If you would like a hard copy instead, please call 503-846-9284)
We have list here of people we trust to guide you in your journey. Many offer virtual services and most offer an ARMS discount.
Also check out the free, Her Journey groups for women ages 14+ who wish to learn more about abuse, how to set healthy boundaries and heal from abuse. These groups are both in-person and virtual and available nationwide as well as internationally. Call 503-846-9284 for locations and times.
- 8 Types of Abuse
- Cycle of Abuse
- Fifteen Early Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship
- Abusive Behavior Checklist
- Deluth Power & Control Wheel
- Elder Abuse
- What is Covert Narcissism?
- PTSD and Abuse
- 50 Reasons Victims Stay or Leave & Return to Abuse
- Mini Course: Abuse Awareness & Healing (virtual)
- Pregnancy and Domestic Violence Stats by NCADV
- 14 Steps of Change for an Abuser
- How Can You Tell If He Has Changed?
- Book: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
ARMS maintains a large database of organizations who can help you in your area, depending on your needs. Please call 503-846-9284 for additional information.
- National Domestic Violence Resources
- National DV Hotline 24/7 or call 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
- Family Justice Center (Washington County, OR)
- Family Justice Center/A Safe Place (Clackamas County, OR)
- Family Justice Center/Gateway Center (Multnomah County, OR)
- Her Journey TEAR-OFF Flyer
- Free Her Journey Program
- Abuse-Trained Counseling & Coaches
- Safety Plan
- How Abuse in Home Affects Children
- What is Grey Rocking and is it Biblical?
- Why Couples Counseling Doesn’t Work
- Other Healing Programs
- How to Heal From Narcissistic Abuse
- What Does God Say?
- 5 Myths About Being a Submissive Wife
- The Real Meaning of Malichi 2:16 – God Hates Divorce
- Co-Parenting With an Abuser (Strategy)
- We Collide: Moving From Abuse to Helping Others (podcast)
- Narcissistic Apocalpse: Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships & Setting Boundaries (podcast)
- Christian Abuse Recovery Discussion Group (Facebook)
- Mini Course: Abuse Awareness & Healing (virtual)
- The Ten Things You Must Know When Helping a Survivor of Abuse
- Book: Helping Her Get Free: A Guide for Families and Friends of Abused Women
- The Church’s Response to Abuse
- Pastor and Community Leader’s Educational Packet
- Guidelines for Working with Victims & Their Partners
- The Dangers of Couples Counseling When Abuse is the Issue
- How Ready is Your Church?
- Book: We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis
- 35 Hour Faith-Based Domestic Advocacy Program (virtual)
- Mini Course: Abuse Awareness & Healing (virtual)
- Mini Course: Helping Clients Learn & Heal from Abuse (virtual)
A Life Anew – Callie’s Story
As a single mom, who loves Jesus but came from domestic abuse, seeking to be active within the church was much like what I would [...]
Update from Her Journey Africa
UGANDA LEADER: Esther B. The ministry running Her Journey in Uganda is called Ourganda. As noted with other areas in Africa, it is very difficult [...]
Interview with Gwendolyn Jones. She is an advocate, facilitator, mentor and speaker.
Gwendolyn Jones is an advocate, facilitator, mentor and speaker. As Founder and Executive Director of ARISE! International, Inc she has built a thriving organization and [...]
Interview with Barbara Roberts. Author, Writer, and Advocate. “A Cry for Justice” Blog
Barbara Roberts is a survivor of domestic abuse and a passionate advocate for other victims. She is the author of the book "Not Under Bondage: [...]
Finally Free (Nancy’s Story)
When my daughter insisted that I meet with a lady named Michelle at her church, I reluctantly agreed. I had really been in a quandary [...]
Breaking the Silence: A Volunteer’s Journey to Combat Domestic Violence in Kenya
Bridging Continents, Arms Dedicated Efforts to Combat Domestic Violence in Kenya Domestic violence is a global issue that affects individuals and communities in every corner [...]